Audrey Auld Mezera (wrap-up)
By Greg Pool
Here's a wrap-up of Audrey Auld Mezera's visit to the Tree House (pictures of that night):
- Audrey made it to the Tree House because of Sherry Austin, who played our previous house concert.
- I met Audrey for the first time around a camp at the Strawberry Music Festival in 2004, where Sherry and Audrey were performing. I asked them both if they wanted to play our house, and they said yes!
- Audrey came all the way from Stinson Beach, stayed in Sherry Austin's house, and played on KPIG the next morning, on Please Stand By.
- Audrey owns and runs Reckless Records, which she founded with Bill Chambers, father of Kasey Chambers.
- Audrey met her husband, Mez, 20 something years earlier when he came through a bar in Tasmania while in the U.S. Navy.
- Audrey dropped a lot of names during the after-show interview, including Sam Baker and Kimmie Rhodes. If you want to hear their live performances, I found a gold mine of Texas singer-songwriter stuff on KUT radio's website, out of Austin, Texas. Specifically, the archives of the Eklektikos show.
- We raffled off a bunch of live CDs and t-shirt, with all proceeds going to Audrey. The discs include two live records of Tree House Concerts shows, including Peter Mulvey (thanks Joe Navratil!) and Mark Erelli (thanks, Mark!). I also threw in a live CD Redbird did while in Chicago. And Steve Zmak, who designed our logo, made up several t-shirts to give away.
- Audrey sang a Fred Eaglesmith song "He's A Good Dog," which was appropriate because she and Mez showed up with their chocolate lab, Gypsy.
- Juliet got a lulaby song during the encore, called "Sleep Baby Taylor," which was the first song Audrey wrote on her Baby Taylor guitar.
- I wore my Aussie outfit, or the best I could. Juliet and I took her mother, Eve, to see The Waifs in Napa, so I picked up a t-shirt. And I wore my Blundstone boots (Cuthbertson series), because that's what Josh from The Waifs was wearing the first time I saw him.
Greg: you are making so many links (connections) between people. What a gift. thanks to you both for taking me to the Waifs (and dinner). Thank you Juliet for making my world larger.
Hey there folks,
I was poking around online and followed my nose to your treehouse. Congrats on your babyhood! What a fine fine day that was in my life - the day Lily came from....well from wherever the little ones come from.
( I have my suspicions, but thisis a non-dogmatic comment haha)
Anyway, all the best to you and yours!!
Maybe we'll hook up for a show sometime after your baby legs are all straight and strong? In the meanwhile, take good care of yourselves and remember that you can have your "birthday" anyway you want.
Much happiness and fortune to you,
PS My life is good.tee-hee Bonnie Raitt just recorded one of my songs, and my next release "Fennario - songs by Jerry Garcioa and Robert Hunter" is being very very well received by peopel who would like to help release it with me.
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