Keith Greeninger (wrap-up)
Here's a wrap-up of Keith Greeninger's visit to the Tree House (pictures of that night):
Greg first saw Keith at the 1998 Kerrville Folk Festival, near San Antonio, Texas. Keith and his family set up camp next to Greg, who never realized who Keith was until after Keith had played the main stage a few days later.
- Back then, Keith pulled up and left before Greg had a chance to say hi. Greg's still stunned he came so far to discover an artist who lives just up the road.
- When Keith first drove up to the Tree House, he noticed a bunch of cars already lining street. I had to break his heart and let him know it was the weekly Samba drum practice session across from us and to give it an hour. Then they'd all be for him!
- Keith looked out the window during sound check and noticed a kid with a guitar case going into another house across the way. Now Keith thinks it's music central here in Pacific Grove!
- Tonight was a sell-out, with 38 chairs filled! We haven't had that many in the Tree House since last June, when Peter Mulvey dropped by.
Keith brought a couple of guitars, one being a beautiful Santa Cruz Guitar, and a mandola.
- Keith's old band, City Folk, is still getting together for gigs infrequently, including the Kate Wolf Festival in the end of June. That will be Keith, Kimball Hurd & Roger Feuer. Kimball plays a lot with another local singer/songwriter, Alisa Fineman.
- We fed Keith some wild-caught Monterey bay salmon, since the commercial season opened last month. Juliet is a master of BBQ salmon, and there's just no way you'll ever eat farmed salmon once you've gone wild!
Keith said he's recently run out of his copies of Wind River Crossing, but you can still go to to get the last few copies. He'll replenish soon!
- One of my favorite songs from that album is "My Religion." Keith didn't get a chance to play it tonight, but you should check out the lyrics.
- Keith's funniest moment during the show was his performance of the song Tumbleweed, which is a "hidden track" on his last album, Back To You. Juliet said that Sonoma was kicking the most during that song.
- Juliet wore a t-shirt that said "Future Rock Star" with an arrow pointing down at her 27 week-old pregnant belly.
- Keith's got two children (10 & 5), and his best advice to Juliet and I is to enjoy that early time connecting to Sonoma as much as possible.
- Keith is a carpenter by trade and has done a lot of work up in the Santa Cruz Mountains, including work on Jeff Emery's house, where Jeff holds his house concerts.
- Thanks to Judy for bringing a little plushy kitty toy for Sonoma!

This concert deserved to be sold out! For those of you who missed it~you missed the time of your life! I have tried to express how wonderful it was, and several days later, I still only seem to be able to blabber on and was awesome!
Keith was having as much fun as we were and truly seemed surprised we all knew so many of the words to his songs as he invited us to sing along. For me, to hear where he was in his life when he wrote the songs was cool. I often wonder about that with songwriters. I was impressed that he remembered a comment I made to him the first time I heard him at the River Inn in Big Sur...I wished people would be quiet so I could better hear the words he sang. I heard those words, and the man behind them, at the Tree House. Thank you, Greg and Juliet! Judy
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